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Get Free Stuff! Social Media Influencers Wanted!

Get Free Stuff! Social Media Influencers Wanted!
If you can make high-quality videos or you have a large social media following, you can use your talent and position to get free stuff from Kombativ!

We take pride in the quality of our traditional martial arts weapons made with modern materials, but we don't have the time to make videos that show off what all of the amazing stuff we've designed. This is why we seek social media influencers to show off our original weapons.

If you are a social media influencer (or you just have a large following on Instagram, YouTube, or TikTok), we want to send you cool weapons. The larger your following, the more likely we will send you something. We don't consider those who have fewer than 10,000 subscribers and prefer those who have a following in our demographic.

Don't have a large social media presence? No problem. We're also looking for people to make high-quality videos that we can use for our website and social media channels. This means former and current media students with killer videography skills. If you can make outstanding videos with our martial arts weapons, we are interested.

Here are a couple of examples:

As you can see, we're looking for something more creative than just a one-take shot of you with the weapon. If you're interested, drop an email to We will send you free items to be featured in your videos based on your interests and skills to make amazing videos for our social media page, our website (product videos/banners), and in advertisements.

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